Take a look at it on the left (sorry for the terrible photo – I was working with very harsh light). What do you notice?
What I noticed is that this docking station in the international airport of the capital city of a BRIC nation is sited in a place only accessed by wealthy Indians (i.e. those who can afford to fly) and foreign visitors, and that Blackberry and Nokia are the dominant brands. They’re the brands that take pride of place and have the most docking points.
Now, this is just a snapshot. The trends might favour Samsung and Apple. I don’t know. What I do know that there’s an Indian elite who still use Blackberrys and Nokias and they haven’t fallen out of love with them yet. This means phones like the Lumia (which I saw heavily advertised in Delhi’s upmarket shopping malls) aren’t perceived to belong to old fashioned brands.
For all the talk of Nokia’s decline and turmoil at RIM, I wouldn’t write off the incumbents just yet.
NOTE: this post was also published on Racepoint Group’s #mwc12 blog